Clear communication with our team is an important step in the healing process. We will meet with you to discuss the necessary steps you should take to facilitate proper healing after your treatment. The majority of treatments we perform are outpatient procedures. This includes dental implant placement and wisdom teeth extractions. You will be sent home shortly after your procedure is complete. This means that it is essential you take proper care of yourself at home to ensure your mouth can fully heal.
Orland Park IL Oral Surgeon | Taking Care of Yourself After Oral Surgery
Following surgery, it is important to reduce any bleeding that may occur. Usually within an hour, bleeding tends to slow down. Bleeding may occur for the first several hours following oral surgery. To reduce bleeding, bite firmly down on a clean gauze pad. The area will require firm but gentle pressure. Once the gauze pad is soaked, you may replace It with a clean pad. Avoid making sucking of spitting motions with your mouth following surgery. This can sometimes lead to reopening the wound. We advise that patients refrain from drinking with a straw following treatment.

Most oral surgeries require you to fast prior to your treatment. This means you will be hungry following your procedure. Following our instructions, start eating soft foods that are easy to chew. You will also need to drink to replenish your fluids. Water, juice, and milk are good to drink, while foods such as pudding, mashed potatoes, and ice cream are safe to eat. Chew slowly and cautiously, especially if your mouth still feels numb following your procedure.

Our team may prescribe pain medication to manage discomfort. Taking Ibuprofen every 4 to 6 hours is a common course of action you can take following most surgeries. You can also apply a cold compress over the area of treatment for the first day to reduce swelling. Contact our team today.