If the mere thought of visiting the dentist sends shivers down your spine, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety affects 13-24% of people globally, with some experiencing such severe nervousness that it’s classified as dental phobia. This anxiety often leads to delayed or avoided dental treatment, creating a cycle of worsening oral health issues. However, there’s a solution that could help alleviate your fears and ensure you get the dental care you need: sedation dentistry.

Understanding Dental Anxiety:

Dental anxiety encompasses a range of emotions, from fear and nervousness to apprehension and stress, experienced in a dental setting. Unfortunately, this anxiety often results in the postponement or avoidance of necessary dental treatments, leading to the escalation of oral health problems. Breaking this cycle requires a solution that addresses the root cause of the fear while providing effective dental care.

The Role of Sedation Dentistry:

Sedation dentistry is not merely about being “put to sleep” for a dental procedure; it’s a tailored approach to help patients relax at a level appropriate for their treatment needs. This process involves collaboratively selecting a sedation method that suits the patient, such as oral sedatives, nitrous oxide inhalation (commonly known as laughing gas), or intravenous (IV) drips. The goal is to make patients feel at ease, whether they experience mild anxiety or severe dental phobia.

Choosing the Right Sedation:

The effectiveness of sedation dentistry lies in its versatility. Patients can choose the type of sedation that aligns with their comfort level and past dental experiences. Oral sedatives or liquid medications offer a calming effect, nitrous oxide induces a feeling of relaxation, and IV drips provide a deeper sedation experience. Your dentist will guide you through the selection process, ensuring that your anxiety is effectively addressed.

Breaking the Cycle:

Sedation dentistry breaks the cycle of dental anxiety and avoidance, offering a more comfortable and stress-free dental care experience. By addressing the root cause of fear, individuals can overcome their apprehensions and receive timely and necessary dental treatments.


Don’t let dental anxiety dictate your oral health. Sedation dentistry opens the door to a more relaxed and comfortable dental experience, catering to individuals with varying levels of anxiety. Whether you suffer from mild nervousness or dental phobia, explore the benefits of sedation dentistry and take the first step toward achieving optimal oral health. Request a consultation today to learn more about the sedation options that can transform your dental care experience.

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park IL 60467