The dangers of smoking have long been recognized, with lung disease, periodontitis, and tooth loss among the common consequences. Dental implants have emerged as an effective solution for adults seeking to replace missing teeth, even for lifelong smokers. However, it’s essential to be aware that smoking can significantly increase the risk of implant failure and the need for premature replacement.

Studies have shown that the failure rate for dental implants is significantly higher in smokers compared to non-smokers. While only about one percent of implants fail in non-smokers, the failure ratio for smokers exceeds 15 percent. Dental implants are typically made of titanium, a material well-suited to our bodies. Titanium attracts bone cells, promoting their growth and integration with the implant post over time. However, smoking can complicate this process.

Nicotine adversely affects dental health by constricting blood vessels, causing dry mouth, and creating pockets in the gums. Reduced blood flow impairs the body’s ability to fight disease and infection. Smoking also inhibits bone growth, including in the oral and facial regions. Additionally, it damages salivary glands, leading to dryness that hampers the mouth’s ability to wash away bacteria and prevent periodontal disease. Consequently, most dentists believe that smoking not only hinders proper healing but also reduces the longevity of dental implants.

While dentists may have differing opinions on fitting smokers with dental implants, they unanimously agree that proper oral health practices are essential for implant success. Regular brushing, flossing, and, most importantly, quitting smoking altogether significantly increase the chances of long-lasting implants. By giving up smoking before your scheduled implant surgery, you create a healthy foundation for your new teeth to flourish for years to come.
For more information on dental implants, please reach out to our Orland Park oral surgery office or schedule a consultation. Our Chicago Dental Implants, Oral and Facial Surgery team is committed to helping you regain confidence in your smile.

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467
Chicago Dental Implants
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