
Healthy Smile, Healthy Body | 60435 Oral Surgeon

60435 Oral Surgeon

Good oral hygiene habits are essential to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. What you might not know is that research has found the health of your mouth actually mirrors the overall condition of your body. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, there is a direct relationship between gum disease and many serious health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. The good news is, research also shows that good oral health may actually help prevent certain diseases from occurring.

60467 Oral Surgeon

Understanding the mouth/body connection

Poor oral habits can cause bacteria to build up on your teeth, making your gums more prone to

disease and infection. When that happens, your immune system goes to work attacking the

infection, leading to inflammation and gum disease, also known as periodontitis. Left untreated, periodontitis and chronic inflammation can wreak havoc on the rest of your body, leading to a host of health problems. Thankfully, this “worst-case-scenario” is easily preventable. Here’s what you can do to elevate your oral hygiene habits and keep unwanted health concerns at bay:

  • Brush twice a day for at least two minutes using a soft-bristled brush. Be sure to choose a toothbrush that is the right size for your mouth so you can reach back teeth easily. If you have any questions about which toothbrush we recommend for you, you can ask our office during your appointment.
  • Remember to replace your toothbrush every three or four months.
  • Choose an American Dental Association-approved fluoride toothpaste to keep teeth free from decay.
  • Floss daily to remove tooth decay-causing bacteria that tend to linger between teeth. Regular flossing also helps remove plaque under the gumline and minimize your risk of contracting gum disease.
  • Eat a healthy diet that limits sugary beverages and snacks.
  • Avoid cigarettes and other tobacco products, which are known to contribute to gum disease and oral cancer.

In addition to maintaining good daily oral health habits, seeing your dentist regularly is one of the best ways to keep your mouth – and your body – healthy. These exams allow our team to monitor any changes to your teeth and gums and make recommendations that will help you avoid future health problems. Call our Oral Surgeon in Joliet today to schedule an exam.

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Sports and Facial Injuries: How to Protect Yourself | 60544 Oral Surgeon

Sports and Facial Injuries: How to Protect Yourself

Your face and mouth are some of the most vulnerable places on your body. With an average of 25% of all sports injuries involving the face, the resulting damage and necessary repairs can be a costly process. As such, learning how to protect yourself to avoid injury and what to do if an injury occurs are important to know. Here, we’ll outline basic steps you can take. 

How to protect yourself

Equipping yourself with the proper gear before play is the first and most important step to protect yourself from injury. Organized sports such as football or hockey require helmets for play, but including a full cage or a visor can make a difference when out on the field or on the ice. 

Additionally, using a proper mouthguard is a crucial part of protecting yourself while playing sports. A custom form-fit mouth guard will be worth the investment for any sport you play, both for protection and comfort. Keeping child athletes equipped with the proper protection is especially important. Childhood sports injuries have been on the rise with the increasing popularity of more contact sports, such as football, hockey, and MMA (mixed martial arts).

What to do if an injury occurs

Occasionally injury can still occur even with proper protection. It is important to know what to do in those situations for your safety. Depending on the extent and type of trauma, some injuries can be taken care of at the sporting event site, with the athlete continuing play. More organized sports often have some type of care on site whether it is a licensed trainer or a coach able to assist the athlete. Having a knowledgeable person on-site knowing how to assess injury is also a way to protect against any further injury. 

If a tooth is knocked out during play, it can be placed temporarily in milk or salt water for transport, but should be placed back into the socket as soon as possible. Any other serious injury should be assessed by a medical professional as quickly as possible to prevent any further damage.

Proper protection and knowledge on how to protect against sports related facial injury is important to keep you or even a teammate safe during play. If you have any questions about sports related facial injuries or have previously suffered from a facial injury, contact our oral surgeon in 60544 office today

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Facts You May Not Have Known About Oral Cancer | 60435 Oral Surgeon

Facts You May Not Have Known About Oral Cancer

According to The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, oral cancer claims one American life every hour of every day. Unfortunately, most cases go undetected until it is too late, making the need for regular examinations of even greater importance. Those who are proactive and seek treatment early have the best chance of beating the disease and living a long, healthy life. Below are some facts you may not have known about oral cancer, including warning signs, trends, and more. 

1.) Oral Cancer Affects More Men Than Women

No matter your gender, you should be aware of the very real dangers of oral cancer. While studies conducted by the Oral Cancer Foundation have shown that oral cancer is one the rise among women too, a 2:1 incidence ratio between men and women still remains. This correlation may be due to the fact that, statistically speaking, men smoke and drink more than women. Regardless of your own habits, remain aware of the signs and symptoms and ask your doctor to perform a regular oral exam if they do not already. 

2.) Each Year, 450,000 New Cases Are Discovered

As such, it is likely that oral cancer has affected someone in your life. Whether you know someone who has had, or is currently dealing with their own struggle against oral cancer, you should know that they are not alone.

3.) Alcohol and Tobacco Increase Your Risk

Among the many risk factors, your lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on the likelihood of you developing this cancer. It is estimated by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America that roughly 80% of people with oral cancer are heavy smokers, while 70% are heavy drinkers. Add this unfortunate statistic to the list of reasons why you should leave the cigarettes behind.

4.) When Detected Early Enough, Oral Cancer has a Cure Rate of 90%

According to many experts, part of the reason why oral cancer can be so destructive is because it often goes undetected for long periods of time. Don’t overlook or ignore any suspicious new developments in your mouth and call your doctor or oral surgeon as soon as you notice anything amiss. 

The best way to overcome oral cancer is to stay informed and catch it early. As something that is important to all dental professionals, we hope you will take this disease just as seriously as we do. We look forward to helping you stay healthy and protecting your oral health throughout your life. If you have any questions call or contact our Oral Surgeon office in 60435 today and we will assist you however we can.  

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

60544 Oral Surgeon | Practical Wisdom on Wisdom Teeth Removal

oral surgeon in plainfield il

If a dentist has recommended you have your wisdom teeth removed, you probably have some questions you would like answered before scheduling the extractions. The prospect of oral surgery may seem rather scary at first, but we are here to provide you with both clarity and comfort as you contemplate the “what” and “why” of wisdom teeth removal. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions our office receives: 

Q. Why do I have wisdom teeth if I don’t need them?

A. Wisdom teeth helped our early human ancestors chew and dissect the tougher foods that were a typical part of their diet. Fossil records also indicate that ancient human jaws were larger than ours, leaving more room for these “third molars.” The bottom line is that as our diets have evolved and our jaws have gotten smaller, wisdom teeth are no longer a tool that we rely upon. In fact, they can often do more harm to our mouths than good these days.

Q.  Why do my wisdom teeth need to be removed?

A. Wisdom teeth removal is often recommended to prevent an array of potential oral health problems. For example, leaving your wisdom teeth in place can lead to impaction. Impaction occurs when there is not enough space inside your mouth to accommodate emerging teeth, causing them to grow in at an angle. These impacted molars can cause tooth crowding and discomfort, and potentially lead to plaque build-up and periodontal disease. 

Q. When should I have my wisdom teeth removed?

A. According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons , wisdom teeth removal usually occurs during your high school years or when you are a young adult (between the ages of 17 and 25). If you wait too long, the tooth root will continue to grow leading to potential nerve damage and other complications. However, each person is unique and your needs may vary.

Q. Are there circumstances when it’s okay to keep your wisdom teeth?

A. Our office will work with you to determine whether or not your wisdom tooth removal can be delayed. If there is enough room in your mouth to allow your wisdom teeth to erupt properly without impaction or damage to surrounding teeth, then it may be acceptable to consider leaving them in place. However, your wisdom teeth will need close monitoring to ensure that no changes occur that could cause harm to your other teeth. Our team will discuss this option with you during your exam.

Wisdom teeth removal is a very common procedure that millions of people undergo each year. For many young adults, it’s almost a right-of-passage. Doing your homework and talking to your dentist can provide you with confidence and peace of mind as you determine if wisdom teeth removal is right for you. If you still have unanswered questions or if you would like more information, please contact our Oral Surgeon in Plainfield today to schedule an evaluation.

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Oral Surgeon Plainfield | Oral Surgeons: The Facial Experts

plainfield oral surgeon

When most people think about oral surgeons usually the first thing to come to mind is removing wisdom teeth. However, with extensive knowledge and experience, oral surgeons have the ability to treat a wide array of areas from medical to cosmetic. Oral surgeons train and learn in different areas of the medical field to become experts on nearly all of the different possible dental and facial needs you may have. Learn more about oral surgeons’ training and how they might be able to benefit you. 

How Oral Surgeons Reach Their Positions

Did you know that oral surgeons are the only dental specialists recognized by the American Dental Association who are surgically trained in a hospital-based residency? Oral surgeons must complete a 4 year minimum hospital based residency program focusing on facial skin, bone, and muscle. This training allows them to train alongside general surgery, internal medicine, and emergency specialists to name a few. Oral surgeons also learn and train extensively in anesthesia (general and local) and sedation, and how to properly administer them to patients.

How Can An Oral Surgeon Help You? 

Oral surgeons specialize in numerous areas related to face, mouth, and jaw surgery. With both medical and cosmetic specialties, oral surgeons may be able to assist you with something you had not expected previously. While specialties can vary from surgeon to surgeon, most can treat a variety of areas including, but not limited to:

With a multitude of specialties, oral surgeons can treat areas and issues you may not have previously thought of. If you have any questions for our team or would like to learn more about us, visit us online or contact our Plainfield Oral Surgeon today.

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Orland Park IL Oral Surgeon | Oral Surgeons Can Help You With More Than Just Wisdom Teeth

For many of us, the only time we’ll think of an oral surgeon is when we need to get our wisdom teeth removed. While this is definitely a valuable service they provide, there’s a whole lot more you need to know about oral surgery. Read on to learn more of the ways that oral surgeons help people every day. 

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are different from other dental specialists in many ways. For instance, apart from anesthesiologists themselves, they are the only healthcare specialists who can administer all levels of sedation up to general anesthesia.

Because oral surgeons are focused on treating problems related to the hard and soft tissues of the face, mouth and jaws, it is normal to be referred to one by your general dentist or orthodontist for a number of reasons. 

Tooth extractions are one of the most common procedures oral surgeons perform. While many dentists are knowledgeable on this subject too, an oral surgeon is usually called in when complications (such as impacted teeth) arise. 

Corrective jaw surgery is sometimes needed when orthodontics can’t correct a malocclusion alone. Oral surgeons often work with orthodontists to plan and carry out surgery that reshapes, repositions or realigns jaws and teeth.

These specialists can also perform reconstructive surgery after a traumatic injury to the face or other dental issues. This can happen due to an accident, injury, birth defect or the performance of another operation. Experts in working with both hard and soft tissues, oral and maxillofacial surgeons specialize in reconstructing facial structures. 

Oral surgeons may also be called upon to help with bone grafting required for proper dental implant placement, or as a consult on obstructive sleep apnea cases. The wide range of clinical experience they possess means that oral surgeons can help with just about anything related to your face and mouth. 

If you’re ever in need of an expert in oral surgery, our office is just a phone call away. If you’ve already been referred to our office by your dentist, we look forward to meeting you. 

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Oral Surgeon in Orland Park | Give Your Dental Implants a Solid Foundation With an Oral Surgeon

Dental Implants are by and large one of the most popular solutions for missing teeth. Not only are they durable, but they usually look and feel the closest to natural teeth, making them a great option. Because they are embedded into your jawbone, dental implant surgery can be a complicated process, best handled by an oral surgeon. With their expertise in facial structures, oral surgeons are the most skilled at installing dental implants and making sure they last. Oral surgeons provide their patients with a wide range of benefits, including…

More Years of Experience and Education

Trained for years in the complexities of the bone, skin, muscles and nerves of the face, oral surgeons are able to deliver great results. With their precision, dental implants can help protect neighboring teeth and help your smile last for a lifetime. 

Greater Stability and Success Rates  

Oral surgeons also understand how to shape and use the jawbone for maximum stability. Depending on your needs, these experts can shape the alveolar bone and implant to fit better together. They do so without weakening the jaw, facilitating proper stability of the implant. Additionally, the success rate of implants, while always very high, is higher when performed by a dental specialist – nearly 98% according to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.  

Improved Comfort, Appearance, and Self-Esteem

Dental implants naturally have many benefits over other teeth replacing treatments such as dentures. When installed by an oral surgeon, these benefits only increase. The titanium metal used for dental implants fuses to your bone, helping to make implants feel more natural and truly become a part of you.

As much artists as they are doctors, oral surgeons also help maximize the appearance of dental implants. Often indistinguishable from your real teeth, dental implants are a permanent solution that keeps your smile both beautiful and healthy.

Because of the many benefits, dental implants help patients restore their confidence. Implants give you the ability to trust in your smile and live your life to the fullest each and every day. If you’re in need of a dental implant expert, consider contacting our office today. Together, we can create a dental solution that works for you.  

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Orland Park IL Oral Surgeon | Signs Jaw Misalignment is Causing You Pain

Our mouths, jaws, and gums are a delicate ecosystem. While good oral health can help us lead happier, less stressful lives, complications in our mouths can bring physical, psychological, and financial burdens. While straightforward dental issues like tooth decay can be easy to recognize—localized sensitivity around a specific tooth is a telltale sign—other conditions are less obvious. When severe, jaw misalignment can be a serious concern that requires dental intervention. Here are some of the most prevalent signs you should consult your dentist for potential jaw misalignment. 

Pain in the Temple 

A serious misalignment of the jaw will often be felt around the jaw joint. Chronic pain in the jaw joint is known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. The jaw joint is located in the back of the mouth, near your neck. If you feel pressure or soreness behind your temples, it could be a sign of jaw misalignment or TMJ

Jaw Tightness

If your jaw constantly feels tight, and you struggle to open and close it regularly, jaw misalignment could be the culprit. Jaw misalignment is often related to TMJ, which is frequently implicated in cases of jaw tightness. 

Cheek Pain

Though the primary structural issue causing jaw misalignment often originate in the jaw joint, the pain can radiate outward. It’s not uncommon for people with jaw misalignment to feel soreness and tenderness in their cheek muscles. 

Trouble Eating 

Eating requires us to use our jaws more than any other activity. When we eat, our upper and lower sets of teeth are in constant movement. This puts a lot of pressure on our jaw joint. In fact, it’s the fulcrum of the entire act of eating. If you have trouble with the constant opening and closing of the jaw required during meals, you could be dealing with jaw misalignment. 

Because of the stress the act puts on the jaw joint, eating can cause individuals with jaw misalignment or TMJ to experience significant, even debilitating pain. This is one of the most serious symptoms of jaw misalignment. Those who find themselves in pain every time they sit down to eat should reach out to our office right away. We can realign your jaw and help relieve your pain. Schedule an appointment today.

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Oral Surgeon Near Me | What to Do Before Your Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery is a fantastic solution for patients who are missing teeth and can provide results that look and feel completely natural. While many people consider the surgical recovery process most important, what you do before your surgery is just as important to ensuring you heal quickly and properly. Follow these pre-op tips and help make your surgery as smooth as possible.

Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco Products

We know this may be difficult for some of our patients, but alcohol and tobacco products will have a negative effect on your  healing process. To ensure that you heal fully and properly, you should avoid these products for a few weeks both before and after your surgery. 

Maintain Your Oral Hygiene

Prior to your surgery, make sure you brush and floss like you normally would. Ensuring good oral health keeps oral bacteria under control. This prevents complications such as infection from occuring during the surgery. 

Take Care of Business

You want to make sure that your recovery period is filled with rest and healing. To help make this possible, you’ll have to make like a boy scout and prepare yourself. In the time leading up to your surgery we recommend that you

  • Pick up your medications
  • Purchase anything you might need, such as soft foods or dental products
  • Clean up around your home

Clean and Comfortable  

Make sure you get a good night’s sleep before your surgery so you can be as rested and relaxed as possible. We also recommend wearing loose, soft clothing to make sure your surgery is as comfortable as possible. 

Talk to Your Doctor

If you want to learn more about dental implants, and whether or not they could be right for you, contact your doctor today. We’ll help you make smart decisions regarding your oral surgery and your dental health options.

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467

Orland Park Oral Surgeon | Perfect Post-Op Foods to Accelerate Your Healing

When you’re recovering from oral surgery, one of the hardest parts can be deciding what to eat. How can you get enough nutrients without causing further damage to your mouth as you try to heal? Below we’ve listed out some great options for you that may also help speed your recovery process, having you back to chomping through your favorite foods in no time.

Greek Yogurt:

Greek yogurt has an incredible amount of health benefits, whether you’re recovering from oral surgery or not. Healthy, and high in protein, this smooth and creamy superfood is also a great source of vitamins and minerals such as calcium and zinc. Several studies have linked a low-protein diet to a slower recovery process meaning that you need as much of it as you can get. Since a steak isn’t a viable option for your recovering mouth, this is a great option. Additionally, studies done by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) have shown that proper zinc intake may promote the healing process.

Mashed Potatoes:

This versatile veggie is a fantastic source of nutrients. Potatoes are packed with calories and nutrients like vitamin C, more potassium than a banana, vitamin B6, fiber, magnesium and antioxidants. Potatoes have just about everything you need to speed your recovery time in a small package.

Mashed Pumpkin:

The mashed potato’s autumnal cousin, mashed pumpkin is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and is a great source of potassium. These vitamins help keep your immune system running at full speed and can help your body recover from a tooth removal. 

Omega- 3’s

 Omega-3’s have been shown to potentially aid in the healing process as well by helping to reduce inflammation. With the protein of greek yogurt and the added benefit of omega-3 fats, scrambled eggs are an easily chewable option for you. Another great source of omega-3 fatty acids is salmon. Salmon is one of the healthiest fish you can eat. It’s also easy to chew and can be added to your diet later in your recovery period.


Avocados are popular for a reason. They are an incredible source of vitamin K, vitamin D and potassium. In another fascinating study done by NCBI, avocados were shown to speed up the healing process in animals.

If you would like more ideas of what you can eat after your surgery, or would like to schedule an appointment, call our Orland Park oral surgery office today.  

Chicago Dental Implants, Oral & Facial Surgery
Phone: (708) 301-5000
10713 W 159th Street
Orland Park, IL 60467